Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You've Got Mail!

I LOVE getting real mail here in Honduras. It's just such a rare occasion to receive something in the real mail! In fact, we don't even know our own mailing address. (How do we receive our bills, you ask? We don't. Sometimes the ticket for the electricity/water is stuck under the door of the house. Other times, it's not. Then you have to pay it online via your bank, or go to the bank to pay it. With cable/internet and cell phones, we don't get a bill...we just have to know when they're due!) So when friends ask me how to send me cards and packages from the US, I have to give them my in-laws address.

Now that I think of it, I have never seen a mail carrier or a mail truck....I have no idea where the post office is located or how to send a package/letter via snail mail. Hmmm, maybe this is something I should investigate!
So anyway, I love getting mail. And I was so excited when I saw TWO letters in my hubby's hands when he came from a visit at my in-laws house the other day.
Letter one was just a bank statement from the US. I LOVE my bank in the US...can you believe they send my statements all the way down here??
Letter two was a Christmas card from my friend Amy. She sent the card from Tennessee on December 10 and it arrived in Honduras on December 28. The envelope was torn on the back...but the card inside was fine!
Thanks Amy! And to the rest of you....send me more letters!! ;)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


We're gonna have a baby!!

I posted this on Facebook yesterday and got lots of questions, so I'm going to try to answer them all here in one post...

-I am 7.5 weeks, and due on September 4, 2010.

-I am feeling good, just very tired. The nausea isn't too bad (I hope it stays that way!), and is worse at night than any other time.

-I love my OB! It took me weeks of calling every day to try to get in to see him because he is one of the best (ok, I think he's THE best!). His office is one of the nicest doctor's offices I've ever been in, and I was very impressed by the technology, etc that he uses. So all you people in the US - don't worry...I'm in good hands over here!

-We weren't exactly trying, but we weren't trying not to either. We figured it was going to happen sooner or later. :)

-The plan is to have the baby in Kentucky. I will hopefully be going at the end of March/beginning of April for a week to do some paperwork and meet with an OB, etc. Then I will be going back in August to have the baby.

-We do not have any names picked out yet.

Thank you all for your lovely comments and well wishes. We are so excited!!!