Monday, October 27, 2008

tropical depression #16

These are the "official" numbers of people affected by tropical depression 16, released by the Honduran government on Friday, Oct 24.

Affected: 257,023
Evacuated: 41,215
Homeless: 53,709
in shelters: 19,505
Homes affected: 9,870
Deaths: 25
Missing: 8

227 roads and 106 bridges damaged
222,300 acres of crops destroyed

I found out last week that the Honduran government created temporary shelters in the city and through out the rest of the country. They are set up in high school gyms, etc.

When I saw in the paper how many shelters there were in the city, I wanted to help. I called my friend Mandy who works at the Casa Presidencial, and she told me I could help at the receiving center for donations at the Casa Presidencial. I spent a few hours on Friday sorting through clothes with Mandy and other volunteers. Maybe this week I'll find something a little more exciting to do. ;)


DON GODO said...

Just found your blog and enjoyed reading through it. My wife and kids live outside of Tegucigalpa, on the road to Valle de Angeles, and I live in New Orleans and go back and forth a lot. Eventually, I'll be living there too. Meantime, I look forward to keeping up w/ your exploits and wish you the best of luck!!

Hannah said...

Thanks for reading, I'm glad you enjoy it!